Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Radiation hormesis: its expression in the immune system.

Radiation hormesis: its expression in the immune system.

Altruistic cell suicide in relation to radiation hormesis

Altruistic cell suicide in relation to radiation hormesis.

"The hypothesis that in animals, radiation hormesis results from altruistic cell suicide is proposed. This hypothesis can explain the hormetic effect of low doses of radiation on the immune system in mice. In contrast, in plants, radiation hormesis seems to be mainly due to non-altruistic cell death."

Once Marginalized, Evidence Now Supports Hormesis as the Most Fundamental Dose Response

Excerpt from Google Book on Hormesis

Once Marginalized, Evidence Now Supports Hormesis as the Most Fundamental Dose Response
Edward J. Calabrese

  • In order to deny support to homeopathy, the biphasic dose response was removed from medical textbooks
  • An incorrect understanding of the dose-response curve leads to worse health for populations and "extremely wasteful spending" 
  • "Historical Antipathies, Rather than Science, Dominated Which Dose-Response Model Would Dominate Biology"
  • Hormesis is named after the Greek word for "to excite"
  • A wide assortment of terms are used to describe a hormetic or biphasic dose response curve, making it harder to study the phenomenon (since no single word has been used throughout history)